Spring Boot Integration with Google Bard — Web API to access the Google AI chat box

Larry Deng
2 min readMar 30, 2023


I have created a Java library for Google Bard that can help us make a simple call to ask questions and get answers. Now I integrated the Java library into the Spring Boot application. So that we can make it publicly available to others.

Add Dependencies

Add the pkslow google-bard to the Spring Boot project:


Create a bean of GoogleBardClient

We need to create a bean of GoogleBardClient before you can use it to ask the questions:

public class GoogleBardConfig {

public GoogleBardClient googleBardClient(@Value("${ai.google-bard.token}") String token) {
return new GoogleBardClient(token);


Inject the GoogleBardClient bean in the Controller, and get the question from request param.

public class BardController {
private final GoogleBardClient client;

public BardController(GoogleBardClient client) {
this.client = client;

public BardAnswer ask(@RequestParam("q") String question) {
Answer answer = client.ask(question);
if (answer.status() == AnswerStatus.OK) {
return new BardAnswer(answer.chosenAnswer(), answer.draftAnswers());

if (answer.status() == AnswerStatus.NO_ANSWER) {
return new BardAnswer("No Answer", null);

throw new RuntimeException("Can't access to Google Bard");


After we asked and got the answers, we will return the related DTO object.


Set the token from browser:


How to get the token?

Go to https://bard.google.com/

  • F12 for console
  • Copy the values
  • Session: Go to Application → Cookies → __Secure-1PSID. Copy the value of that cookie.

Test with Postman

Question 1: How to be a good father?

Queston 2: what is pkslow.com?



The code is on GitHub.



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